Meet Kim

Kim McCoy


Kim received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Disorders in 1996 and a Master of Science degree in Communication Disorders in 1998 from University of Central Missouri. Kim received her Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) in 1999 and remains an active member. Kim has had experience in a variety of clinical settings including schools, acute care, skilled nursing, and outpatient clinic. She has experience with children and adults. She has specialized training and experience working with children on the autism spectrum and tailoring intervention programs to meet the functional communication needs of these children. Kim has experience implementing high tech (AAC) communication systems including iPad applications and LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) for communication. Kim has experience in using Social Thinking curriculum. She has specialized training and experience working with children with developmental apraxia of speech as well as adults who have developed apraxia of speech as a result of stroke. Kim has recently received certification in the introduction of PROMPT (Prompts for Restructure Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets). Kim and her family recently moved to the Storm Lake area in 2014. Kim’s husband Dave is a native of Storm Lake. They have three children, Logan, Preston, and Maddux. They enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors, and spending time at their children’s sporting events.